Breaking And Continuing Loops In Java


Loops are a powerful tool for programming that optimizes code and increases efficiency. However, they can sometimes become a source of errors, particularly when a termination condition is not met. In such cases, the loop could run indefinitely, consuming CPU resources and potentially leading to program instability or crashes. This highlights the importance of designing loops that are guaranteed to terminate correctly

Termination Conditions

The most straightforward way to ensure that a loop terminates is by setting a clear and logical termination condition. In the example below, the loop will terminate once the counter variable reaches 5 because we have manually incremented the counter variable in the loop body. Without this line, the while condition would always be true and would loop indefinitely.

int counter = 0;  
while (counter < 5) {  
    counter++;  // Ensure termination by incrementing the counter  

The Break Keyword

The break keyword is used to immediately exit a loop, regardless of whether the termination condition has been met. This is particularly useful when you need to stop a loop based on a specific condition encountered during its execution. In the below example, the loop will print numbers from 1 to 5 and then stop once the counter variable equals 6, regardless of the loop’s original termination condition.

for (int counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++) {  
    if (counter == 6) {  
        break;  // Exit the loop once counter equals 6 

The Continue Keyword

Unlike break, the continue keyword does not stop the loop entirely. Instead, it skips the remaining code in the current iteration and moves to the next iteration of the loop.

//Iterating over the numbers 1 through 10, printing only the even numbers
for (int counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++) {  
    if (counter % 2 == 1) { 
        continue;  // Skip over the odd numbers  


Mastering the use of loops, along with the break and continue keywords, allows you to write more efficient and error-free code. The break keyword is ideal for situations where you need to exit a loop prematurely, while continue helps you skip specific iterations without interrupting the entire loop. Together, they give you precise control over your loops, making your programs more robust and adaptable.